Who We Are
Empowering Families, Building Futures.

This is our life story

it isn't just about a company...

Empact The Culture (ETC) is about a mission, a vision, and a deep-rooted desire to make a change. We represent diversity in all its forms and take pride in showcasing the beauty of it. Our team comprises people from all walks of life.

Our story begins with Latarshia and September, the co-founders of ETC. We came from backgrounds where we saw our families stuck in a never-ending cycle – the same cycle that society often prescribes. Finish high school, attend college, graduate (and accumulate debt), secure a job, and work tirelessly just to pay off that debt, over and over.

But we realized something profound; no one had ever educated our families on financial literacy. This lack of knowledge left them vulnerable to the system's demands, never allowing them to break free from the shackles of debt. It was a wake-up call, an awakening to the need for change.

Our mission is to empower our families and underserved communities like ours. ETC was created to change the narrative by providing access to financial knowledge, opening doors to financial freedom, and changing lives. We aim to make a difference by rewriting the script, creating a new story, and impacting lives.

Together, we will keep rewriting the script.

Our Philosophy

At ETC, our philosophy is simple yet powerful: Empower, Transform, Create.
― Empact The Culture
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